Brazil export license

Joau Mourino
Asked on February 29, 2016
Anybody from Brazil - have you tried to get RADAR? How does the process go?

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  • Andrey Esenin
    Answered on March 09, 2016
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    RADAR is a very good idea! It is very easy to be done by everybody, who has a legal business and wants to trade worldwide. To get a license you need next: 1. License requirement 2. Constitutive acts of the company and the last two years alternations 3. Simplified certificate from the state Commercial Board 4. IPTU Guide of Verification or Rural Territory Property Duty Declaration 5. Proof of address 6. Address proof and copies of the ID and CPF of the legal responsible for CNPJ 7. Password form More information here: Good luck!

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  • Neil Careman
    Answered on March 02, 2016
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    All you need to know and every simple step you have to do is well described here Success!

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