Export of spices

Amir Yadavas
Asked on February 23, 2016
Hello! How can I send export samples to a buyer from an EU country?

    All replies 3

  • Neil Careman
    Answered on March 09, 2016
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    Before exporting a product sample an exporter should also know the Government policy and procedures for export of samples. While sending a product sample to an importer, it is always advised to send samples by air mail to avoid undue delay. However, if the time is not an issue then the product sample can also be exported through proper postal channel, which is cheaper as compared to the air mail. Extra care should be taken in order to avoid the risk associated in sending a costly product sample for export. Secrecy is also an important factor while sending a sample, especially if there is a risk of copying the original product during export.

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  • Andrey Esenin
    Answered on March 02, 2016
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    First of all it depends on your deal with the buyer. If he asks you to send him a sample of your product and if the value of this product is high you can request him to make a payment for it. Also, in many countries, there are government financial assistances to send sample products to foreign countries. A lot of people do it outside Export Portal, but it is wrong and unsafe. I recommend you to do it with the help of Export Portal. Good luck!

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  • Andre Cote
    Answered on March 02, 2016
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    Have the same question

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