Hello! We are a small company which makes lighting items for home. We have a good potential and we want to grow.
Can anyone give us some ideas for growing our business?
Hello! You should add as many products as you want and clients all over the world will find them. You can also find on Export Portal B2B partner companies and develop your business to a higher level.
Hello Miroslav, Every business company requires time and money. It is not very difficult to create the reputation for your company and make it visible on international level. Fist of all you have to realize a good marketing campaign with ads in socials, in local and international newspapers and magazines. I recomand you to use the eCommerce platform such as this web page in order to expand your business and find new customers from all over the world!
Miroslav, I see you are already registered on Export Portal and this is the main thing. People will start seeing you, then buying from you, then rating you good. Also highlight your items and people will notice them faster. Now I wish your luck to maintain.
The idea I give is simple and your opportunity is right here, on Export Portal. I would recommend you to become a verified seller and to start selling your products on EP. It will be the best way to find new customers all over the world, to grow your business and to become an international seller. Also EP team will always help you on your way to international trade market.
Good luck!