Tea export

Beno Macau
Asked on February 25, 2016
What are the documents required for tea exports?

    All replies 4

  • David Ronald
    Answered on February 22, 2017
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    Hello, For export tea from India to other countries, the exporter or his agents have pay the following expenses or taxes: Registration; Processing of shipping bill; Tariff value; Transaction Value; Maximum Retail Sale Price.

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  • Ye Jun Park
    Answered on February 09, 2017
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    Normally, the following documents should be submitted for consideration of the applications: (a) Full specification of Tea / Nature of Tea to be exported abroad or distributed in India and the source of collection of such Tea. (b) A copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association Articles of Association of the Company along with the certificate of incorporation duly certified by one of the Directors (in case the applicant is a company). (c) An attested Xerox copy of the latest Deed of Partnership (in case applicant is a Partnership firm). (d) A declaration on Non-Judicial stamp paper for a value denomination of not less than Rs.10/- duly notorised by the Notary Public ( in case the applicant is a Proprietorship concern) (e) An attested Xerox copy of the VAT /State Sales Tax Registration Certificate in respect of your firm/company/proprietor. (f) An attested Xerox copy of Central Sales Tax Registration Certificate with Tea. (g) A Xerox copy of I&E Code Certificate issued by the Director General of Foreign Trade. (h) A certificate from the applicant’s Banker (to be submitted in original in sealed cover) about the present financial status of the firm/company/proprietor (i) Names of present partners of the firm with their residential address in case applicant is a partnership concern/Names of the Directors with their address in case applicant is company. (j) Is the proprietor/partner/any Director of the applicant company/firm is/was Proprietor /Partner/Director, firm/company which held/ hold Exporter’s Licence(s) from Tea Board during the last 3 years? If so, please furnish details. (k) Any other information / documents which may be required by the Licensing Authority in course of time in course of processing of the case. (l) A declaration from the applicant (in original) stating the applicant is not associated with any other tea company whose licence has

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  • Steve Fox
    Answered on March 09, 2016
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    Different countries require different documents to import/export tea, but there are some common certificates: import permit or Psycho sanitary certificate, NOC from Plant Quarantine Authority, certificate of Origin. Find out more here: http://howtoexportimport.com/Import-documents-required-for-Tea-Coffee-Mate-and--951.aspx

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  • Aaron Ranos
    Answered on March 02, 2016
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    If for Kenya, your origin, you need to familiarize yourself with Kenya’s major exports and their destinations. Because these are already established, it will be the best starting point for you. However, as you will see later, there are more products and markets that provide you with an opportunity to export/import. For more information on exports, you can visit the Export Promotion Council or the Department of External Trade (DET) at the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

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